I think my company will pay for my course, how can I pay?
You can use pretty much any bank card to pay for your course. It may be worth talking to your manager or colleague in your learning and development team if more than one of you is interested in taking the course. This is because a 12-month company licence can offer better value for money than individuals paying alone.
I’m thinking of recommending our company/firm takes out a 12-month licence, how do we pay for that?
This is easy, simply contact Geoff Coughlin at Enhance Development and we can raise an invoice for you to pay by bank transfer.
I’m thinking of recommending our company/firm takes out a 12-month licence for the full suite of courses, or more than one course. How much will that cost?
We are very happy to discuss your specific needs and I’m sure that we can agree a fair price for your 12-month licence. Simply contact Geoff Coughlin to discuss your needs.
What do I need to get going?
A decent internet connection and just a decent slot of time, maybe 30 minutes to get started!
It’s also recommended that you try and get a copy of the book: Creating Top Flight Teams by Hilarie Owen, published Kogan Page. Just search on Google and copies of this title are readily available through Amazon and elsewhere.
How do I check my answers?
Simply click the ‘reveal answer’ link to access an answer
How long will it take to complete my course?
There’s around 4 hours of contact time. You can spend longer and some people do, especially if you watch and re-watch the videos (recommended) and PowerPoint presentation and extra reading time from your recommended text. Inevitably, there are multiple opportunities to work with others in your team and engage in activities to support your learning and moving your team forward to become truly Top Flight!
Do I have to take the sessions in order?
No, you can work through the Lessons in any order you like although of course we have given thought to the most useful order from a learning-effectiveness viewpoint and that’s the running order we offer you in your programme.
How will I know that I have completed a session?
Your programme is self-directed and that means you decide. The fact is each session comprises of reading, exercises and other activities. When you have worked through the content for each session you simply click the button ‘MARK COMPLETE’ at the end of each session to say that you have completed that session and move on to the next.
How will I know what progress I have made?
Simply keep an eye on the visual indicator guides – ticks for each completed session and the progress bar on the right hand side of each page will show you your progress at any point.
Do I get a certificate when I complete my course?
Yes, the system will generate your certificate that you can use towards your CPD requirements.